
Day 266 - Tree(?) Museum, Not-Happy Homestay Developments

DY did, indeed, redeem himself. He said he thought a lot about what it meant to be a foreigner living in the middle of nowhere (i.e. Nonsan) and decided that sometimes things must be kind of rough. Progress! When I got back from teaching the NK refugees this weekend, we went to the tree museum in Gongju. I think that translation is not quite right because it was more of a botanical garden. With animals. It was a good time though. There are some pictures, but I'm writing this through a proxy so I can't use Flash.

In less ideal news, Friday night I came home to hdad screaming at hmom. Immediately uncomfortable, I went straight to my room and shut the door. He kept screaming louder and louder until I heard a loud *thud*, followed by the crash of a door bursting open. Then crying. The host sisters wailing and saying "don't, don't! dad, don't!"

I left earlier than necessary the next morning for Seoul with some clothes stuffed in a backpack. I stayed at friends' places over the weekend, too uncomfortable and scared to go back. I informed my liaison and things are in the process of changing my homestay. Until then, I packed an emergency bag this morning with my important paperwork and clothes and over the next few days I plan on moving my things out bag-by-bag and keeping it at friends' apartments.