
Day 108 -- Halloween Lesson, School Festival Day 1, and Student Pictures

Halloween Lesson, Part I

Girl Student: "Ahhhh! 거미!" (spider)
Me: "Haha, yes, today we will study Halloween! I drew a spi--OH GOD, REAL SPIDER"
BFKASB*: "SPIDERMAN!!" (swats at spider) "You, me, hand phone same-same. So we love."

Later, a student cuddled my blow-up jack-o-lantern while we watched Nightmare Before Christmas. I teased him that it was his new girlfriend, so when it came time to end class, he kissed it goodbye and said he would miss it. We perhaps missed the point of Halloween, but it's hilarious so whatever.

Chapter Two ~ TOEFL class

TOEFL students caught on film in their natural habitat while constructing their zombie attack plans. Yes, creating zombie attack plans was a lesson.

Chapter Three ~ School Festival, Day 1

The school festival started today, where the students get a rare chance to relax and be kids. There's lots of mini-games between the classes for the kids to compete in, but it's mostly just down time to chat with friends and have a good time.

Tomorrow is the second and last day, including athletic competitions and a talent show. More pictures!!

Don't complain, you know you wanted pictures.

I went wild documenting all the instances of bromance, but this was perhaps one of my favorites. Mass bromancing!

And this is my Taeyang look-alike. He appears as though he would be a terrible troublemaker, but he's actually one of my sweetest students. CLEARLY, since he's playing with a baby bunny.

Chicken-fighting. You hop around on one leg and try to knock the others over.


Anonymous said...

zomg the boy with the bunny is ADORAFREAKINGBLE

BRB, Korea! said...

I know right? How can I yell at him when he misbehaves and correct his terrible English when he's just TOOOOOO CUTEEEE?! D'awww