
Day 9 - First Quiz Results and Surprise Holidays

First of all, shout out to the KEY Club kids that are reading this now. What's up, guys?!

It turns out that my prediction the other day came true: the quiz results are back and although I didn't do as well as I thought, I still got an 80% so I'm safe for the next week. Hollaaa! There's no time to rest though because tomorrow there's another quiz. This place keeps us ETAs crazy busy.

Despite that, I still decided to ditch my study date and go out with KEY Club instead. (My priorities are questionable.) They were going out because, apparently, today is a holiday in Korea--cho-bok, one of the hottest days of the year as predicted by the lunar calendar. If these guys use it as an excuse to party then they're my kind of kids. And I wasn't disappointed. We headed out the front gate of the university to have some beer and fried chicken because nothing says Minor Korean Holiday like a good American-style celebration.


Anonymous said...

ooo fried chicken. Was it good? And believe me, I woulda done the same thing. Good luck on your next quiz!

BRB, Korea! said...

The fried chicken was AMAZING. It was just like American fried chicken--full of cholesterol and other terribly unhealthy things that taste delicious. Mmm...