
Day 511 - Korean Wedding

Saturday I went with Doyup to see his friend get married. He and the friend met while in America doing that English camp for a week. I don't know the guy's name, so from here on he will be The Groom.

The Groom is a special forces Korean marine. He and The Bride knew each other for 6-7 years in university, but just started dating 6 months ago. 6 months of dating, and they're already getting married. Crazy.

Koreans get married in a hurry. Actually, they do everything in a hurry. Because of this hurry, weddings are very quick and convenient to plan -- just go to a wedding hall. Said wedding hall will have everything set up for you in a package deals. From the venue to the reception to the photos, everything is done for you. You just show up on the right day.

It's not my style of wedding, but my favorite part was when the marines did their sabre-arch as the newly officiated husband and wife walked back down the aisle after the ceremony. Before the Groom could pass through each pair of marines, he had to complete a mission. Missions included push-ups with his new wife sitting on his back, serenading his new mother-in-law, and doing squats while holding his new wife.

It was HILARIOUS and I loved it! Doyup explained that it's a Korean military wedding tradition to have the missions, and that usually the last mission is to return to the beginning and do it all over again. Loooove it!


Kurry said...

oooo! chinese tradition has this too! it happens before the western style wedding (yes, typically in hk, ppl hav both the chinese n western ceremonies) where the groom goes to the bride's home n give presents n do all these 'tasks' in order to get the bride in the end. then they'll go to the chapel/church/wedding admin place n hav the ceremony that actually officiates them.

BRB, Korea! said...

I think that's AWESOME! I'd never seen it before. You better do something like that at your wedding so that I can tape it... I forgot to tape it this time. womp womp

Kurry said...

hahaha... sure... i think i see pete giving up on one of the tasks n then he walks away from the whole thing. hahaha. i'll b alone after that. yay!